
this is my blog about all the things i have tried, researched and or tripped over as i'm fumbling through life

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Reading: The Happiness Project or Why I spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun. By Gretchen Rubin

I realize I'm fortunate, and there are many things in my life to be thankful.  But with all of my thankfulness something I have struggled with is the word HAPPY.  I remember saying to someone over a beer once (classy, I know) - what does that word even mean.  How do you know when you are happy?  All I know is when I'm not ...sad, mad or anything that isn't happy.  And that is pretty much the extent of my deep thoughts on happiness.

So when I was looking for some new reading I stumbled upon this book (cause I liked the cover) and decided it was worthy of a read.  And it was!  A new perspective on creating your own happiness by changing small things in your life.

The author, Gretchen Rubin set out in January with new resolutions that compounded each month.  So for January she wanted to boost energy and this was how she was going to achieve it:

  • Go to sleep earlier
  • Exercise better
  • Toss, restore, organize
  • Tackle a nagging task
  • Act more energetic
February: Remember Love
March: Aim Higher
April: Lighten Up
May: Be Serious About Play
June: Make Time for Friends
July:  Buy Some Happiness
August: Contemplate the Heavens
September: Pursue a Passion
October: Pay Attention
November: Keep a Contented Heart
December:  Boot Camp Perfect

I'll admit, the writer of this book is not of the same mind as I am.  There are lots of things I couldn't necessarily relate to (she doesn't like to shop), but that ok because there was much more that I could.  An example for the month of February...stop nagging.  How hard is that!!  But its true, nagging... I feel bad for doing it in the first place, I get madder because I don't always see results and in the end it seems to be an ineffective way to communicate with my spouse.  Another one from the month of June was remember birthdays and with that I'm going to include acknowledging births, events in other people's lives.  I think I am pretty good at birthdays but sometimes I mess up and forget, get busy, etc.  And who doesn't remember who visited their newborn when they arrived?  I don't hold it against anyone who didn't make it in the first few days but you don't forget who came either.  Gossip.  I never feel good about myself after I gossip...so why do it do it?

The writer came up with a few Splendid truths over the course of her experiment:

If I want to be happier, I need to look at my life and think about feeling good, feeling bad and feeling right, in an atmosphere of growth.

One of the best ways to make myself happy is to make other people happy.
One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy myself.

The days are long but the years are short.

If I think I'm happy, I am happier.

I'm sure I can find at least 5 things that contribute to my bad days, annoy me that I don't do, bad for my health, bad for my morale that all culminate to feelings of unhappiness.  I think I am going to try my own happiness project (small scale) and see how it goes.

So, today I love this book! Here's a link to her website.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Photography: W Family

This family I re-met when she and I both had our first babies around the same time.  Its fun to reconnect since we have known each other since we were kids.  They are expecting their second little girl any day now and their first is nearly 2 and speaks Russian!  How cute is that.   


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

mmmm coffee!

One of my many things I've over-thought, over-researched and obsessed over in recent months is my espresso machine.  I'm so happy I did though cause I am very very happy with my purchase (it ended up to be my birthday present to myself) and so are many others who have come for a visit!  I ended up buying a semi-automatic by La Spaziale that had some really good reviews.  Upon coming to this decision I came to learn a bit about it so here's what I know!


Espresso machines comes in 3 main categories:

Super automatic: means you push a button and get a latte.  There is lots of automation, some programability and its an all in one, do it all machine.  You put water in the reservoir, beans in the hopper and you are ready to go.  Some of these machines you use those little prepackaged pods instead of loose beans.  Some not so great things about these machines are that if one things breaks the whole thing is broken, lots of the grinders get jammed up by oily beans so stick with a medium roast and it can be hard to get a really great shot of espresso.  Not to say its not good, it just won't be easy to get a great one.  This type is good for someone who isn't as picky about flavour and loves the all in one type machine.

Semi automatic: With this type of machine you will need to buy a separate grinder.  You grind and tamp your beans, attach the filter then push the button to brew.  Pretty much all the rest is the same, just that the beans are ground in a different machine.  

Manual: I have no idea who would want one of these machines but with this type you actually pump and extract the shot yourself.  With this type espresso brewing becomes more of an art than anything else.  Apparently if you can perfect it though, you will never get a better shot.

Tamper:  Its a small heavy little hammer you use to push the grinds into the filter.

Some of the machines that stood out among the many ...

Super automatic: 

Saeco Talea.  A great thing about this one is all of the reservoirs are on the sides.  So you don't have to pull the machine out from under the cupboard to refill.  Not so great...it looks a bit too plasticy for my liking.

Another option:

Miele.  They make quality products, and this one is no exception.  Downsides though are it needs to be built in and you have to spend extra time cleaning it because the milk runs through the system.

Semi automatic:

My choice if you have the room!

La Spaziale Mini Vivaldi II.  Has options for plumbing in and dual boiler system for steaming and brewing at the same time.  Only trouble is...its big!

Rancilio Silvia

This machine gets rave reviews and is fairly reasonably priced.  It takes a bit of tweaking to get your shots perfected but is a great machine at a good price.

Saeco Aroma

This is similar to the machines that Starbucks used to sell, called Barista.  They are a great, small footprint machine.  Another benefit...the cheapest!

If you are going to buy a semi automatic the MOST important thing is the grind of the coffee you are brewing.  You can have the absolute best beans, best espresso machine and it still puts out bad shots..why?  Possibly the grind!  A good grind for espresso is to adjust the machine till its grinding the beans and they are just about to clump together.   Also they recommend buying the best you can afford for a grinder, here is one that I really like and have had good results with.  All of the reviews, message boards, forums I read all talked about the importance of the grind.  So take it seriously!

Rancilio Rocky Doserless (doser is a little add on that gives you set amounts of grinds in your filter)

Lastly, here are my favourite beans...

If you are interested in researching...here are some websites I used.  There are lots of youtube videos on using these machines so if you are stuck, youtube it!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

baby baby!: a gift of my favourite things

Well my little nephew was born a few days ago and he is lovely!  Such a cute family...a perfect little boy, two very happy parents and a big sister who isn't sure about this little creature who came into her life unexpected.  In searching for a gift I came upon some of my old favourites for when my guy was little.  So here's 10 of the great things I found super useful or really cute!

1. Receiving/Swaddling blankets by Swaddle designs.  These are great because they are oversized and come in cute little patterns.  They also sell some really cute stroller blankets.

2.   Soother holder by Bella Tunno.  These are cute, they aren't too long and come in a variety of colours.  They are also fairly cheap!

3. Mum mum holder.  I don't have a link cause I can't find the name of it but its great and also cheap.  Will save those mum mums from turning to dust in your diaper bag.  Once I figure out the name I will update here but they are sold at Frogs Hollow.

4.  Nursing cover.  Nothing compares to this cover!  You can nurse discreetly without popping a boob out for the world to see.   You will not regret this purchase, guaranteed.

5.  Sophie.  This giraffe seems overpriced but it really wins as it was the first one my son chewed on and will still tote it around here and there.

6. Mally leather bib.  For early eaters, this is a great choice.  You can wipe it clean and it can roll up pretty small.  We had a couple, one for home and one for the diaper bag.

 Later on I moved to this one by baby bjorn.  Also great but catches the food that would otherwise land in the lap when they can feed themselves.

7.  Stroller blankets.  I love these ones by Pottery barn kids.  They wash great and still look new!

8. Bug & Pickle body wash.  This body wash smells great and cleans up little bums nicely.  They also have a really nice body lotion and a neat belly rub for babies with sore tummys.
9.  I LOVE shoes.  For myself and for my boy equally the same.  Here are a few of my absolute favourites for my little guy.

Tip Toey Joey.  So cute and they stay on.  100% leather.  Soooo cute.  http://www.tiptoeyjoey.com/

Converse.  Nothing cuter than seeing something you typically see on an adult...but on a child.  http://www.converse.com/#/products/shoes/kids

Robeez.  They make them soft like slippers and also with harder soles for older kids.

10. Noppies.  These clothes they are awesome quality and super cute.  The fit is always perfect and the fabric super soft.  Love them!

My favourite stores in the lower mainland for this stuff...

Maple Ridge...http://www.mbkidsboutique.com/
Surrey...http://www.crocodilebaby.com/   http://www.babycheeks.ca/home.html