Baby A...anxiously awaited as her parents like to keep the sex a surprise! She came into the world just a few days late which was plenty long for mama! I had met her mom when we were both very pregnant with our first babies and what a lifesaver...tip #1 for new parents: find someone who is going through the same stuff and you won't feel so insane! Our babies were born 2 weeks apart and we have since become good friends.
This little girl I was soooo excited to shoot! I was excited for a couple reasons...I had sat in on a session a few months ago and learnt a few things which I wanted to put into practice, the other was that I had some new props and poses I wanted to try. I am really happy with the end product and now have baby fever...I can't wait to shoot the next!
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do, she is so precious and I wish Baby A and family all the best for years to come.
I am working on starting my business as a photographer at this time. If you are interested in my work please contact me at