
this is my blog about all the things i have tried, researched and or tripped over as i'm fumbling through life

Monday, February 7, 2011

baby bumps: a little gear for the little one

My little niece or nephew is going to be born in the next month and I CANNOT wait to meet the little one!  My brother is a bit traditional in that they don't find out whats brewing till they pop out.  Makes it hard for someone like me who likes to be prepared and shop ahead!

We had a few minutes a few weeks ago to take some pictures.  The rains have socked us in lately so we had to go indoors and work around a sick little toddler, but in the end we got a few good pics.

Remembering back to when my little guy was teeny tiny, there were a few things that were absolute necessities in surviving the first few months.  The first was the swing.  I researched a lot of them and ended up getting the Fisher Price cradle swing which looks like this:

I can't speak for all babies but my little guy LOVED it.  Another great one was this Fisher price vibrating chair.   This one is nice because it can be portable (we took it everywhere) if you are going out to someones house and when they start swinging their arms they play with the little whale.  These two items were lifesavers!